Sunday, April 24, 2016

Roamin'? Roman?

Unlike many people in high school, I take Latin rather than a spoken language such as French or Spanish. I've been taking it since 8th grade and I can not express the happiness I feel for continuing it on through high school.  If you take Latin you automatically become part of this weird cult
we are the nerds, the geeks, the lovers, the romans, those who love latin and have such a passion for it that they created a convention just for us. This past weekend I went to my states latin convention hosted at a center that is beautiful. 

Last year when I went we had these amazing cabins, this year not so much. But what our cabin lacked on the inside made up for the view on the outside. We were situated right by this gorgeous lake and spent most of the day, besides doing latin stuff, lounging in our enos

The weekend was jammed pack from toga processions to dances to JCLove to tests to chariot races, convention truly has it all. The whole weekend I did not have service so I couldn't use my phone and I gained a new appreciation for nature and just enjoying quality time with my friends

Latin convention is a truly indescribable experience that I wish everyone could partake in

Being part of latin club and just being a latin lover in itself embodies the theme of this year, ubi concordia, ibi victoria ... where there is unity there is victory

I love latin and though I do not nearly mention it enough, JCL is my home, my family, and my favorite

Here are a few pictures from the weekend (just to make you jealous)

Pre Dance Shenanigans 


Our Chariot HAHA

Our Tie Dye Latin Squad

Our view by the lake :))
With much love,

PS you can join/make a latin club and go to your states convention as well as nationals and get a real feel for the awesome that is latin !! :))

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Life's a Beach!

So last week was my school's spring break and it was pretty great!
I went to the beach with one of my close friends for the entire week. While I'm not the partying type (or even remotely close to it) we found a bunch of other various things to entertain ourselves!

Here are a few snapshots from over the course of the week :)

My first ever BBQ

beach vibes

Day 1 Sunset

Day 2 Sunset

my gorgeous friend

I didn't make it, so I had to climb back

Last night :(
I would say that overall the trip was pretty fun and a success. Gulf Shores is such a cute little beach and definitely more calm than places like Destin, Seaside, and PCB which was awesome. However, I did learn that taking a whole week to travel somewhere in the middle of the school year was not for me, being the epitome of nerd made me anxious the whole week since I could not study as much as I wanted :|. 

Most of the trip was just hanging at the beach or doing various fun activities - zip lining, mini golf, walking 5 miles to the pier (bad idea tbh, my whole backside burned haha), and FOOD - I did not get tan, but summer is coming fast so maybe then! 

I already know what my next post is going to be - Latin Con - so stay tuned!

Much Love, 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Don't Go (Spring) Breakin' My Heart

Breaks are always pretty boring for me. My family usually doesn't go anywhere interesting, and this week was no exception. Thankfully, I can usually count on my friends for a good time. It took us a solid week to plan our adventure, and in the end we didn't decide what to do until about half an hour before, but it was fun.

Two friends and I ended up going to a cute little area nearby us. It has historic homes, hiking trials, restaurants, and plenty of cute little shops. We got plenty of adorable pictures, each which will come to grace our Instagrams.

We started off by walking to this delicious sandwich shop in the area. My friend, Ajanta, is a pro food photographer. As soon as we got our food, she was snapping a picture of it. My attempt wasn't quite as good as hers.



We stayed at the restaurant for what felt like forever, it turns out our other friend, Eunice, is a pretty slow eater. Once we were done, we began hunting for places to take pictures. We'd seen one wall on the way to lunch, so that's where we started.

Eunice ended up taking my picture in front of a bright pink door, and I loved the results.

Throwin' shade everywhere I go

We ended up doing a bunch of walking back and forth to different spots, but it was fun anyways. 

There was one wall that was such a pretty color we couldn't help but take pictures on it. The store inside had a bunch of great clothes I wish I could afford.

We stopped in this place that had a couple different businesses in it. Among them was a bakery that sold gelato and ice cream, so we had dessert there. 

I tried my first ever macaroon!

Courtesy of Eunice

Ajanta and I had Eunice take some "artsy" pictures of us lying in the grass (fine, it was mostly me). We got tons of stares, the sun in our eyes was unbearable, and a lot of the pictures didn't turn out. The one we got was worth it though.

And that's my adventure for the week. I didn't really do anything else, but I spent a lot of time outside in the gorgeous weather. Now school's starting back again and I have yet to do any homework, but that's alright.


(Sorry about some of the photo quality. I stole a couple of these from Ajanta and Eunice so they're just screenshots)

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Holi Moli!

The number of Indians I'm friends with is ridiculous. There are so many that go to school with me that many of my non-Indian friends (myself included) have referred to ourselves as "honorary Indians." At any given time, I can have a brown person on each side, but I love them all. That's why I was more than happy to join in on our school's Holi!

For those of you that don't know, Holi is the celebration of color. I looked it up on Wikipedia (a very reliable source) before writing this post, so from what I gather it started as a religious festival, but it seems to primarily be a cultural thing now. It takes place in India each year, and my friends who have attended it their made sure we all knew it was better. Either way, I still had a great time. You can read more here.

Right after this was taken, I got a bunch of powder in my eye. NOT fun. 

I wish I had some before and after pictures, but them moment I stepped out of the car I was doused in colored water. I can, however, show my before-being-completely-trashed and after-being-completely-trashed looks.



The powdered colors looked really cute at first, but it all added up quickly and soon we were a huge mess.

It was a lot of fun, and I was there with some of my favorite people in the world. What could be more fun than attacking your friends with color and water? It was a perfect way, and the perfect day, to kick off spring break!


P.S. Hopefully my next post won't take as long as this one, but we'll see when I do something worth talking about