Tuesday, March 8, 2016


This post was actually Sabrina's idea, but anyways...

I'm Christian and this year I decided that for Lent I would give up Instagram and Tumblr, and really any other distracting social media I had. So far its been about a month since I gave it up, and I've been doing pretty good so far!

I'll be honest I've peaked at my insta a few times, but not nearly as much as I would if I actually had the app haha. 

For those of you who don't really know what Lent is, check out this wiki article that sums it up pretty well https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lent

Lent began on February 10 (Ash Wednesday) and will be ending on March 24th (Good Friday)...
So I have a couple more weeks left before I can download all my social media again and get back to the gram.

I'm an avid instagrammer, when I had it I would check it all the time, mostly out of sheer boredom, but a lot nonetheless. 

Being off instagram turned out to not be as great of a struggle as I thought it would be, I'm actually debating whether to even get it back or not again. 

The real reason I gave up all this social media is because I believed it would distract me less and help me focus more. Instead I found other things to fill the time and continue on the distraction, mainly Netflix 

But giving up Insta, Tumblr, etc. did actually get me closer to God, the point of Lent, because one of the things that I filled my time up with is reading the Bible, even if it was just the verse of the day. Or praying and just really becoming in tune with what it means to be Christian. I'm not trying to advertise that you should be Christian, but for me its been a great year for faith.

I don't want to bore you with my faith story, because first its extremely personal and second very weird hahah so moving on...

But I guess more than anything, my take from the last few weeks has been that social media is just a time waster and merely a way to feel connected into the lives of others. The first week that I didn't have insta I felt out of the loop, out of touch, and really weird, but in the weeks that followed I found out who my true friends are. Outside the deceiving realm of social media, I saw who texted me or made an effort, not just like this picture or tag me in a post every once in a while. SO in the past few weeks, I have really become grateful for the people in my life, and I hope these people will continue to stay beyond my high school years.

The other day I actually texted a few of those friends I'm truly happy to have and every response was different but all gave me a sense of belonging, which I've not had for a while....


To wrap up this very random post, I just wanted to make this point clear - Spend time with those who you love (in person) and don't let the deceit of social media fool you. Social media is a great way to stay connected, but make sure that connection continues in real life!!

On an ending note, its Sabrina's Birthday sooooo HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRINA BABE!!!

Much love, Ksen

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