Sunday, April 10, 2016

Don't Go (Spring) Breakin' My Heart

Breaks are always pretty boring for me. My family usually doesn't go anywhere interesting, and this week was no exception. Thankfully, I can usually count on my friends for a good time. It took us a solid week to plan our adventure, and in the end we didn't decide what to do until about half an hour before, but it was fun.

Two friends and I ended up going to a cute little area nearby us. It has historic homes, hiking trials, restaurants, and plenty of cute little shops. We got plenty of adorable pictures, each which will come to grace our Instagrams.

We started off by walking to this delicious sandwich shop in the area. My friend, Ajanta, is a pro food photographer. As soon as we got our food, she was snapping a picture of it. My attempt wasn't quite as good as hers.



We stayed at the restaurant for what felt like forever, it turns out our other friend, Eunice, is a pretty slow eater. Once we were done, we began hunting for places to take pictures. We'd seen one wall on the way to lunch, so that's where we started.

Eunice ended up taking my picture in front of a bright pink door, and I loved the results.

Throwin' shade everywhere I go

We ended up doing a bunch of walking back and forth to different spots, but it was fun anyways. 

There was one wall that was such a pretty color we couldn't help but take pictures on it. The store inside had a bunch of great clothes I wish I could afford.

We stopped in this place that had a couple different businesses in it. Among them was a bakery that sold gelato and ice cream, so we had dessert there. 

I tried my first ever macaroon!

Courtesy of Eunice

Ajanta and I had Eunice take some "artsy" pictures of us lying in the grass (fine, it was mostly me). We got tons of stares, the sun in our eyes was unbearable, and a lot of the pictures didn't turn out. The one we got was worth it though.

And that's my adventure for the week. I didn't really do anything else, but I spent a lot of time outside in the gorgeous weather. Now school's starting back again and I have yet to do any homework, but that's alright.


(Sorry about some of the photo quality. I stole a couple of these from Ajanta and Eunice so they're just screenshots)

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